We Didnt Think of Him as a Father, the Controversial Story of Woody Allen Marrying His Ex-W

The scandal involving Woody Allen and Mia Farrow remains one of the most talked-about events of the past decade. It captivated tabloid headlines, leaving many bewildered and intrigued by the intricate dynamics at play. Delving into the details of their relationship reveals a story of love, betrayal, and unconventional family ties that continue to provoke heated debates even today.

A tale of love and complications.

Woody Allen and Mia Farrow’s relationship initially captured public attention as their partnership blossomed with numerous films. Fresh from her marriage to André Previn, Farrow welcomed Soon-Yi, a young girl they had adopted from South Korea, into their family. Over the years, they expanded their household by adopting two more children and having one biological child, creating an intriguing blend of personal and professional dynamics.

ELIGIO PAONI / Contrasto / East News

As time went on, the emotional connection between Allen and Farrow began to fade, leading to an unforeseen development in the early 1990s. The relationship between Allen and Soon-Yi evolved from innocent outings to a more intimate level, causing a seismic shockwave. The scandal erupted when Farrow discovered intimate photographs of her daughter in Allen’s apartment, catapulting the situation into the public eye.

The scandal spread out quickly.


The revelation of the intimate photographs sent shockwaves through the public and ignited a media frenzy. Farrow strategically planned her legal battle against Allen while initially remaining silent. Shortly after, she accused Allen of inappropriate behavior towards their adopted daughter, Dylan, sparking a bitter custody battle and intensifying the legal proceedings.

The legal battle between Woody Allen and Mia Farrow peaked as both parties presented their evidence. In 1993, a judge granted Mia custody of the children, dismissed the charges against Allen, and imposed limitations on his visitation rights. Throughout the proceedings, experts discredited Dylan’s testimonies due to inconsistencies that arose during cross-examination.


Their love endured beyond the scandal.

Despite the personal and legal turmoil, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn stood firm in their commitment to one another. Four years after the scandal, they formalized their union in 1997. At the time of their marriage, Allen was 61 years old, and Soon-Yi was 26. While Allen continued his work as a filmmaker, Soon-Yi embraced her role as a devoted wife and homemaker.


Woody Allen has consistently defended his relationship with Soon-Yi, maintaining that it was not rooted in a paternal dynamic. In interviews, he emphasized the natural progression of their connection, citing the significant age gap as a factor that worked in their favor. Soon-Yi herself clarified that she never viewed Allen as a father figure. “We didn’t think of him as a father. He didn’t even have clothing at our house, not even a toothbrush.”


Validating their marriage, Alen described his feelings “I started the relationship and thought it wouldn’t be serious, just be a fling. But it had a life of its own. We began going together, then living together and were enjoying it. I’m 35 years older, and somehow, the dynamic worked. I was paternal. She responded to someone paternal. I liked her youth and her energy. She deferred to me, and I was happy to give her an enormous amount of decision-making and let her take charge of so many things. She flourished.”

Living a private life away from the prying eyes of the media.

Union Press / Sipa / East News

Over the years, the couple chose to adopt two girls and raised their family away from the spotlight and media attention. Woody has consistently defended their relationship, explaining that it began casually but evolved into a meaningful partnership due to their dynamics and mutual respect.

Although some continue to refer to Woody Allen marrying his daughter, Soon-Yi clarifies that their relationship was not a father-daughter one, and their choices have proven successful, as they remain a stable and lasting couple after more than three decades.

Their enduring love story serves as a reminder that true relationships can weather even the harshest storms and emerge stronger than ever before.

Preview photo credit Union Press / Sipa / East News
