My Husband Proposed With His Ex-Fiances Ring

The engagement ring is one of the most profound symbols of love and commitment. It represents the bond between two souls who have pledged to spend their lives together through the best and worst of times. Unfortunately, for our reader, the ring that was meant to be a cherished emblem of her and her husband’s love has become tainted by a web of lies and deceit.

We can only imagine how deeply hurt and betrayed you must be feeling right now.

Finding out that the engagement ring — the beautiful symbol of your husband’s love and commitment to you — was originally meant for his ex-girlfriend is a harrowing realization. No matter what he says, that ring will forever be tainted by its history and her memory.

The meaning behind that ring has been marred, turning what should be a cherished emblem of your sacred union into an upsetting reminder of deception. You have every right to be angry, sad, questioning everything right now. Your feelings of anger, sadness, and betrayal are completely valid.

Your husband has lied about the history of the ring.

When your husband proposed with that ring under the pretense that it was a family heirloom, he betrayed your trust in a profound way. Dishonesty of any kind poisons even the strongest relationships. Trust is the bedrock foundation that intimacy, vulnerability, and true commitment are built upon. With that betrayed, it creates cracks that can deteriorate the relationship if not addressed properly.

However, we understand where your husband was likely coming from too, even if his approach was misguided. He probably wanted to reimagine the ring as part of your unique love story, instead of allowing it to remain attached to his past relationship's painful ending. Reclaiming it for your own chapter together made sense to him. But good intentions don't excuse lying and keeping secrets from your life partner.

You are absolutely not overreacting at all.

Every time you look at that ring, you'll understandably be reminded of this hurtful deception. Your husband needs to validate your feelings instead of brushing them aside as unimportant.

Saying "it's just a ring" minimizes the deep symbolic importance of the engagement ring and your very understandable emotions. He may not have realized how wounding this would be, but that's not an excuse. Open and honest communication, from this point forward, is critical.

Our advice is to have an open, vulnerable conversation with him.

Do it once you’ve both had time to process this and cool down from the initial erosion. Approach it from a place of expressing your pain and sadness, not confrontation. Let him know how deeply this has shaken your faith, trust, and ability to be vulnerable with him.

If he can acknowledge his mistake, apologize fully and sincerely, and take steps to rebuild that trust, there is still a path forward between you two. Perhaps that means replacing the tainted ring together with a new symbol of your commitment. Couple’s therapy could also be immensely helpful in this situation — having an objective third party could allow you both to communicate your deepest hurts and needs in a productive way. A therapist can help reestablish trust, empathy and intimacy.

However, you may also realize this was a betrayal too big to overcome, despite counseling and effort.

Only you can decide if you can move past this betrayal with rebuilt transparency over time. Don’t let anyone, not your husband nor friends or family, dismiss your feelings or attempt to rush you through the healing process. This was a profound violation of your trust, and you need to honor all the complicated emotions you are going through — the anger, sadness, confusion, and pain.

Rebuild at your own pace. Surround yourself with a supportive circle of loved ones who can offer empathy and care as you work through this big emotional wound. Lean on them when you need a shoulder to cry on or simply need to vent. Take this one step at a time without judgment or pressure

Listen deeply to your instincts about what is best for your heart, self-respect, and future happiness.

You may ultimately decide that with hard work, transparent communication, and potentially couple’s counseling, the trust can be repaired, and you can move forward with your husband. Or you may realize that this violation cuts too deep, that regaining trust is impossible, and that moving on is the healthiest path. Only you can make that choice when the time is right. Protect your peace as you let the emotions come and go.

Operate from the heart, not racing mind. Journal, meditate, or seek therapeutic support to gain clarity during this incredibly difficult situation. Put yourself first right now without guilt. The way forward will become clear, however long it takes to get there. Have faith in yourself and your courage.

We are sending you the biggest hug. You have a kind heart, and you deserve a love story completely untarnished by painful pasts. Trust your instincts as you figure out how to proceed from here. We are just an email away whenever you need an empathetic ear, a shoulder to lean on, or a place to process all of these difficult feelings. You've got this!

Wedding rings represent love and commitment, but traditions about wearing them can differ greatly. Want to know why some cultures wear wedding rings on the left hand, while others wear them on the right? Find out why here.
