Croeso Welcome | Wales

Wales might be small, but there’s plenty that makes us exceptional. Where else can you trampoline in a disused slate mine? Or catch a train to the peak of our highest mountain? Or walk all (or part) of a path that takes you around the entire country?

Our team can help you with story ideas, organise interviews with key tourism providers and industry contacts across Wales and help make arrangements for press trips, television crews and photographers. We can advise on which organisations can provide the relevant film permits and the very best locations for filming and photography. If you need amazing images and high resolution B-Roll you can access our media assets library

We currently prioritise media enquiries from key markets including the UK, Ireland, Germany and the USA. For requests from other countries, we have a partnership agreement in place with VisitBritain. Please contact the relevant on territory PR contact at VisitBritain in the first instance.

Contact us to see if we can provide you with inspired media opportunities to help you and your audiences to get to know Wales.

For general press enquiries relating to the tourist industry in Wales (i.e., statements, tourism figures, Ministerial comments etc.) please contact the Welsh Government’s press office.
