Decision Intelligence vs. Business Intelligence

How Decision Intelligence can transform a business intelligence strategy

At Morning Consult, we believe Decision Intelligence improves upon traditional business intelligence and analytics in several critical ways.

You can have foresight

With a business intelligence strategy, you can see what’s happening now: traffic generated by certain webpages, seasonal purchase patterns, changing trends in user engagement. With Decision Intelligence, you can anticipate what will happen in the future. We’re building predictive, artificial intelligence-based tools to help you see ahead of the curve.

You’ll own data from a high-quality source

A standard business intelligence tool, such as a dashboard, requires users to input their own business analytics. While this internal data is valuable, they may lack the scale, depth and consistency you need to grow your business.  

With Morning Consult’s approach to Decision Intelligence, we provide the data. Our data science experts partner with your team to collect high-quality data on the audiences that matter to your business — almost anywhere in the world.

You’ll have our support in analyzing, interpreting and visualizing results

Here’s how a traditional BI tool works: the user inputs their own data, the tool analyzes the numbers, and the user then interprets the results. 

By contrast, we offer last-mile support, delivering the results in a format that works for your team (such as a designed infographic, an interactive dashboard or raw data files). Then we collaborate with your team to interpret and apply the results to create business value. 
