10 best French-English dictionaries to use

Did you ever get stuck looking for the right word in French? Or were you ever unsure what that mot meant? If you answered yes to both, chances are you will be browsing the best French dictionary you can find. Digital or otherwise. Part of the process of learning French will entail some doubts on words spelling, connotations and nuances. And to make sure you are covered in all situations, here is a list of ten French-English dictionaries in print, online and apps. 

  •  Collins French Dictionary
  •  Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster’s French-English Dictionary
  • Larousse Concise French-English/English-French Dictionary
  • Barron’s French-English Pocket Dictionary
  • WordReference
  • Linguee
  • Collins Online Dictionary
  • Oxford Dictionaries
  • Reverso
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    Best French-English print dictionaries

     1. Collins French Dictionary

    This French dictionary is renowned for its clarity and precision. It offers comprehensive coverage of contemporary French vocabulary and includes usage examples, cultural notes and pronunciation guides.

     2. Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

    Two of the most renowned publishing houses produce this print dictionary. It offers precise definitions, usage examples and helpful grammatical guidance. Certainly one of the best French-English dictionaries for French learners.

    3. Merriam-Webster’s French-English Dictionary

    Published by a well-known authority on linguistic references, this dictionary offers exhaustive coverage of the vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and nuances of the French language.

    4. Larousse Concise French-English/English-French Dictionary

    This compact dictionary is ideal for English-speaking learners. It offers a full range of common words and phrases, as well as pronunciation guides and grammar notes.

    5. Barron’s French-English Pocket Dictionary

    This pocket dictionary is practical for traveling. Despite its compact size, it offers a large amount of useful information, including guidance on conjugation and false friends. All you have to do is choose the one that best suits your learning needs.

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    Best online French dictionaries and apps

    6. WordReference

    WordReference is a popular, reliable and one of the best online French dictionaries. It offers accurate translations, usage examples, forum discussions on the nuances of the language and full verb conjugation.

    7. Linguee

    Linguee is a very useful tool for English learners because it provides translations of entire sentences taken from authentic documents. This helps in understanding the context and appropriate usage of words.

    8. Collins Online Dictionary

    The Collins Online Dictionary is a trusted resource offering accurate translations, usage examples, and pronunciation guides. It also offers articles on grammar and word games to reinforce learning.

    9. Oxford Dictionaries

    Oxford Dictionaries is another reputable resource that offers clear definitions, accurate translations and usage examples from authentic sources. It also offers pronunciation guides and articles on language and culture.

    10. Reverso

    Reverso is a versatile online dictionary that offers translations, usage examples, idioms, verb conjugations and even grammar correction tools.

    These reliable and rich online dictionaries are very useful whether you are at home or traveling.

    The 10 Best French-English Dictionaries

    When you learn French, be it for fun or work, choosing from the best French dictionaries is essential to enrich your vocabulary and improve your linguistic understanding. Print or online resources like WordReference, Linguee and Collins provide invaluable accuracy, accessibility and wealth of content, keeping you motivated day after day.

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    Emilie Bled

    Emilie is a community manager and writer specializing in the tourism, sports, and industry sectors. She lives just an hour away from Paris, where she takes full advantage of the forests for mountain biking. Passionate about climbing and outdoor sports, she travels in a van with her family across Europe. India holds a special place in her heart, having lived and worked there. After numerous experiences in digital communication, she has founded her own business. Discover more about her journey and professional expertise by checking out her services or her Linkedin profile.
