In 1912, the Titanic, a historic maritime tragedy, met its fateful end, resulting in the loss of over 1,500 lives. Even after all these years, the memory of this catastrophic incident continues to endure. Remarkably, the sinking of the Titanic stands as the most devastating shipwreck in history at that time, and it remains unrivaled as the most tragic peacetime sinking of a cruise ship ever recorded.
The legend suggests, the Princess of Amen-Ra, an ancient mummy, is shrouded in supernatural mystery. Its history spans over 1,500 years before Christ, buried deep in a vault at Luxor, Egypt.
In the late 1890s, four young Englishmen acquired the mummy case. Misfortune plagued them, with one disappearing, another injured, and the remaining two facing financial ruin and ill health. The cursed coffin made its way to the British Museum, causing chaos and tragedy. Night watchmen heard eerie sounds, and visitors faced dreadful consequences, even death.
Despite efforts to contain the evil, it continued to claim lives. The mummy was finally sold to a private collector, who later sought the expertise of Madame Helena Blavatsky in vain. The mummy found its way to the ill-fated Titanic in 1912, where it accompanied 1,500 passengers to their watery graves.
The infamous story of a cursed mummy aboard the RMS Titanic remains a popular ghost tale. However, historical facts and expert research disprove this haunting legend.
The tale’s inconsistencies emerge as it mixes real figures like Helena Blavatsky with fictitious events. The supposed purchase of the Princess of Amen-Ra in Luxor by Englishmen in the late 1890s conflicts with the fact that the Titanic’s voyage occurred in 1912.
In 1985, the Titanic’s cargo manifest and diagrams were thoroughly examined, revealing no evidence of any mummy onboard. Renowned experts, including Charles Haas, president of the Titanic Historical Society, confirmed the absence of any cursed mummy.
The origin of the myth can be traced back to two Englishmen, William Stead and Douglas Murray, who fabricated a horror story about a malevolent mummy causing havoc. Later, the British Museum’s Priestess of Amun coffin lid was linked to their ghost tale.
William Stead’s presence on the Titanic further fueled the legend. He shared the “cursed mummy” story with fellow passengers, and after the ship’s tragic sinking, his account was misinterpreted as evidence of an actual cursed mummy being onboard.
Despite various versions of the tale, there is no truth to the cursed mummy’s connection to the Titanic or any other shipwrecks. The mummy in question, the Priestess of Amun, has always remained safely housed at the British Museum.
The mystery of the Titanic hasn’t been solved, and there are many myths about supernatural forces meeting a similar fate for the ship. Through precise study, we expect to separate fact from fiction, shedding light on the truth behind the fascinating myths surrounding the legendary Titanic.