8Proofs That Facebook Knows When Youll Fall inLove

It turns out there is a group of data scientists studying love at Facebook. Thanks to their research, artificial intelligence is able to predict when you’ll start a romantic relationship better than a psychologist can.

Bright Side has collected some interesting conclusions and signs which make it possible to find out which relations connect two ordinary users of a social network.

Facebook studies love by analyzing other couples.

Facebook reads what people in love write.

Facebook knows the age of your future significant other.

Facebook knows the month when you will meet new acquaintances.

Facebook knows when it is love.

Facebook knows when people argue more.

Facebook predicts pre-breakup behavior.

Facebook is sure that love prolongs life.

People who use Facebook to communicate with loved ones live longer than those who limit themselves only to live communication. It’s not just a matter of direct communication when there is no opportunity to meet in person but also in encouragement, support, care, and the opportunity to feel your worth in the life of other people that come from this.
