What do Londoners like most and least about living in London?

Londoners love the city’s history and cultural scene, but they hate the cost of food and housing

The great writer Dr Samuel Johnson once proclaimed: “He who grows tired of London grows tired of life”. There is indeed much to love about London – but there is much to hate about it too. New YouGov research can now reveal what Londoners themselves think are the best and worst things about living in the city are.

The capital’s history was the number one thing Londoner’s like about the city, with 35% saying this was one of their favourite things about living in the capital, followed by the art and cultural scene with 32%. Despite the woes of Southern Rail commuters, transport actually came joint third on people’s favourite list, alongside the city’s diversity on 29%.

London’s women are far more keen on the city’s arts and culture scene than men are, with a thirteen point gulf dividing the two genders (38% vs 25%). Men, by contrast, are far more likely to be a fan of the city’s transport than women are (35% vs 24%) – perhaps not surprising given the levels of sexual harassment women face on the transport system.

The very youngest Londoners – those aged 18-24 – like the capital most for its transport system (38%), arts and cultural scene (36%) and the career opportunities it offers (34%).

Londoners are far more united in what they dislike about the city. The cost of housing came in first on the list of least favourite things about living in London, with nearly two thirds (64%) of people giving this answer. The cost of living came in second on 44% and crime third on 34%.

Unsurprisingly, younger people are more concerned by the cost of housing – just over 70% of 18-34 year olds said this was one of their least favourite things about London, compared to 55% of those aged 55 or older. Likewise, concerns about the cost of living also become less prevalent the older a person gets. Instead, older Londoners are more likely to be concerned with crime (47%) and air quality (41%) than their younger counterparts.

Photo: PA

See the full results here
