Martell Holts biography: age, birthday, parents, net worth

Martell Holt is a real estate agent and reality TV personality whose fame skyrocketed following his starring in the OWN reality series Love and Marriage: Huntsville. While the show is entirely about married couples, it features him and his ex-wife, Melody Holt.

Holt and his ex-wife run a multi-million dollar company named Holt & Holt Entrepreneurship LLC. In addition, he is an author. Who is Martell Holt? Read on to find more details regarding his career and personal life.

Profile summary

  • Full name: Martell Holt
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: January 4 1982
  • Age: 39 years old (as of 2021)
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Place of birth: Huntsville, Alabama, USA
  • Current residence: Huntsville, Alabama, USA
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: Mixed
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Height in feet: 5'11"
  • Height in centimetres: 180
  • Weight in pounds: 132
  • Weight in kilograms: 60
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Eye colour: Black
  • Martell Holt's mother: Miss Marlene
  • Marital status: Divorced
  • Children: 5
  • School: S.R Butler High School
  • Alma mater: Alabama A&M University
  • Profession: Reality star, entrepreneur, and author
  • Net worth: $20 million
  • Instagram: @martellholt

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Martell Holt's biography

Martell was born in Huntsville, Alabama, the United States of America, to his mother, Miss Marlene. He is an American with mixed ethnic background.


He attended S.R Butler High School and later enrolled in Alabama A&M University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Education.

How old is Martell Holt?

Martell Holt celebrates his birthday on January 4th. The reality TV star was born in 1982. Therefore, as of November 2021, he is is 39 years old.

Martell's Zodiac sign

His zodiac sign is Capricorn.


Holt debuted his career as a teacher in Sparkman Middle School in 2008. After two years of teaching, he left the profession to venture into the real estate business with Melody.

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After several years of unwavering consistency, Martell and Melody founded a multi-million dollar company and branded it by their last names.

In addition, the successful entrepreneur owns another company, Holt Custom Homes, which aids its clients in navigating the home building process while ensuring the constant provision of customized services.

He has also ventured into the writing industry, where he has written and published the book, The 9 to 5 Entrepreneur: Twelve Questions to Consider Before Taking the Leap.

Aside from his entrepreneurial expertise, he has also made a name in the entertainment industry, starring in the famous reality TV series Love and Marriage: Huntsville, which airs on the OWN TV channel.

Personal life

The reality TV personality and his former wife, Melody, started dating in 2007 and tied the knot in July 2008. Martell and Melody Holt have four kids: Maliah Selene, Mariah, Martell, and Malani.

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Although the dynamic business owners seemed happy together, they revealed that their marriage was undergoing a rough patch. This was after Melody confirmed that he had been in a five-year-old affair with another lady. Following these infidelity accusations, the couple got divorced.

Body measurements

The reality TV star is 5 feet 11 inches or 180 centimetres tall, and his weight is 132 pounds or 60 kilograms.

How much is Martell Holt worth?

There are no verified sources that state how much the entrepreneur is worth. However, according to, Martell Holt's net worth is estimated to be around $20 million.

Martell Holt is a successful African-American entrepreneur. Due to his consistency and hard work, he has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry and in the real estate business.

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Bill Klein’s biography: where is the member of The Little Couple now? recently published an article about the biography of Melody Holt. She is known for appearing in the popular TV series Love and Marriage: Huntsville.

Melody is also known for being the ex-wife of Martell Holt. Have a look at her biography and find out more details concerning her career and personal life.

