Lovely pics of famous South African interracial couples leads to fiery debate

- A Twitter user started a debate on social media after posting pictures of well-known South African figures in interracial relationships

- Most of Twitter disregarded the race issue and complimented and congratulated the beautiful couples

- Some users had the opinion that black men date white women for a higher social status, while white women only date black men with money and power

Twitter user, Hloni Nyetanyane, sparked major controversy across social media after posting pictures about well-known public figures in interracial relationships.

The images were accompanied by vague captions which sent Twitter on a rampage, assuming that Hloni was condemning interracial relationships.

Hloni later tweeted that all he did was post pictures of beautiful couples yet it made people go crazy. His subtle thread drew attention to the fact that interracial dating is still a hot topic in the country, decades after policies banning ‘race-mixing’ had been abolished.

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Twitter was quick to respond to the post, and users rushed to add their two cents on the matter, whether it was personal stories or just opinions.

The general consensus was clearly that South Africans were happy that their beloved rugby stars and politicians were in happy and respectful relationships and firmly believed thinking otherwise was narrow-minded and outdated.

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Sizakele Mavundla expressed his opinion that black men tend to date white women once they have reached a higher social status, and added that the trend occurred all around the world and across other industry as well, and not just rugby.

Another user pointed out that it was not just about white women but also lighter skin tones, pointing out that the 'yellow-bone' trend in black communities was still prevalent.

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To prove this point, Nceba Mkoka pointed out that black women too were waiting for rich white rugby boys, to which Hloni responded: “They will wait forever. Until Jesus comes,” perhaps showing social media what his position on the issue actually is.

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While many users noticed that black people dating other races was seen as a 'step up' in the status quo, another user pointed out that it is not always white families who have an issue with their children dating partners of a different race and shared a story about his friend.

On the other hand, some users argued that white people only date outside their race when they're dating public figures or people with high esteem in their white communities, claiming that this is the reason why dating white women has seemingly become a trend among rugby players and other sport celebrities.

Twitter was quick to produce a counterargument and claimed that this undermines the couples' relationship, pointing out that many of their relationships had begun before the fame and fortune. ( -> We have upgraded to serve you better

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