12 Celebs That Made a Lifestyle Change and Went Vegan or Vegetarian

The vegetarian and vegan way of life is growing in popularity, as this type of lifestyle includes health benefits and can help to reduce greenhouse gases. Lots of vegans and vegetarians are strong animal advocates, including many celebrities featured in this article. The following stars adopted a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and haven’t looked back.

Bright Side wanted to share with you some celebrities’ journeys into veganism and vegetarianism, and why some of them chose this lifestyle.

1. Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco opts for a vegetarian lifestyle and is passionate about protecting animals. She has many animals herself, including horses, rabbits, and dogs. She works with animal shelters and recorded a video to help dog adoptions for Paw Works.

She also worked with Farm Sanctuary to help rescue turkeys for Thanksgiving. She said, “No more meat, I’m like, done.”

2. Bryan Adams

In a social media post, Bryan Adams wrote, “I stopped eating animals, including fish, when I was 28, and I’ve never looked back (you can get all the protein you need from plants). It’s great to see the change that is happening as people embrace a more plant-based diet, but we still have a long way to go. If you want to see your health improve, and you care about the planet, go vegan.”

3. Milo Ventimiglia

Milo has been a vegetarian his whole life. He said, “I was a vegetarian in the womb, I was doing it before it was a trend. My parents have been vegetarian for 40 years. They raised my sisters and me vegetarian, we had a dog — he was vegetarian.”

He also tweeted Morning Star Farms, asking them to bring back a plant-based food item. He wrote, “I know a couple million vegetarians (as well as myself) who would be grateful if you did. Lemme know how I can help.”

4. Lizzo

Lizzo became a vegan in 2020, but this wasn’t her first venture into an animal-free diet. She was a vegetarian back in 2010 for 7 years.

She is experimenting with raw veganism and said, “Being raw has a lot of internal benefits, those are important to me. It boosts your immune system, it gives your digestive system a break. And it just boosts your energy.”

5. Johnny Galecki

Johnny Galecki spoke about how he bought a 300-acre plot of land and wanted to put it to use, but as a vegetarian, he didn’t want to keep livestock on the land. Having livestock doesn’t align with his vegetarian beliefs.

6. Jenna Dewan

Jenna Dewan watched a documentary when she was 10 about slaughterhouses and stopped eating meat the next day. She said, “The next day I said, ’I’m never eating meat again.’ It just stuck. I feel good about it morally and physically.”

She also said that her body feels stronger when she eats vegetarian. She said that she went back and forth from being a vegetarian, but it didn’t work for her. She felt sluggish and didn’t feel as light and energetic.

7. Benedict Cumberbatch

The Doctor Strange actor was asked about enjoying the culture of Singapore in an interview. He said he enjoyed going to the food market and eating the food, as much as a vegan could, anyway.

He was also asked about the training involved in playing a superhero. The interviewer asked if he had to drink egg whites. He said, “No, I eat a plant-based diet.”

8. Madelaine Petsch

The Riverdale actor said she was raised vegetarian and turned vegan at 14 and felt healthier and less lethargic.

She tries to spread the vegan message and said, “When I want to spread a message about the environment or about veganism, I try to do it with positivity and by giving people the information to make a decision for themselves. I want to teach people how positive and easy it is to be vegan — I don’t want to make it seem like it’s this big feat.”

9. Travis Barker

In an interview, Travis Barker spoke about being vegan. He said, “I found this way of eating, and I have endless amounts of energy. I can go all day, and after it all, I never find myself getting tired. No matter what kind of shows I have done, or workouts I do on top of it, I still have to force myself to sleep at night.”

10. Thandiwe Newton

Thandiwe Newton said she was inspired to go vegan after working with fellow actor and long-time vegan, Woody Harrelson. She said, “I think it’s good to have a vegan in the mix. A vegan in a position of power.”

She also joked that “it hasn’t done anything to my brain. I’m absolutely fine.”

11. Russell Brand

Russell Brand said he was a vegetarian since he was 14. He said, “And because of like, ‘Oh, what? They do what in factory farms?’ Ya know, like, it was too brutal.”

He said he became vegan after watching the documentary, What the Health. He said he felt angry that the dairy, eggs, and meat industries were dictating what foods were deemed healthy.

12. Mayim Bialik

The Big Bang Theory actor spoke out about why she is vegan on YouTube. She explained how animals are bred to make the most amount of animal food for the least amount of money. She said, “If we think only of economics as what drives us in food production, we produce economically efficient food. The question is: at what cost?”

She continued, “It’s convenient to think of living, breathing animals as a walking sandwich...but this kind of convenience only works if you turn animals into an abstraction. Animals aren’t an abstraction. Animals live. They breathe. They have relationships. They have feelings.”

Have you tried a vegan or vegetarian diet? How did you feel after? And if you haven’t tried it before, would you give it a shot?
